A Jan 1, 2004 Revelation

Jan 1, 2004
I thought I should share this one with you. I dont think it was just a fluke!
I Was up early and happened to open the web shots page. this is their daily picks this morning. It quicken to me. Do You see what I see here? The new year, and A lighthouse and a big brown bear! and then a cold barren wasteland! Father has shown me Russia as a bear before.
Gore also is the "bear" of Daniel with the "third rib" in his mouth.

Dear Brothers & And Sisters,
I believe you will want to see this next page. So I am sharing it. It was sent to me as a CD . I feel to pass it on. I did not write it.
I copied it and added it as a page for easy reading because it was large. It is a prophetic type word .

I received it just as I was doing a study on the Kenites (Tares) Sons of Cain.
It confirmed so much to me and helped me understand better what the Holy Spirit was showing me personally in my own study.

I had just started this study on the Kenites(Tares)as I was sent this CD.
And that was what I was seeing, that the Kenite scribes did make some changes to the true names and did it "knowing" what they where doing..
I believe this is what he was referring too in his CD.
He believes (Yahshua Mashiyach),is The Son of YHVH,
and He is the "express Image" of The Father (Hebrews 1:3). Further, per John 1, Anointed Yahshua Messiah
Moreover, there is no other name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:10-12)

But He uses the true names. Not those tamper with by the Kenite scribes.

The one point that troubled me about his CD was
His rather dogmatic view on the names. Which sounded a bit condemening. But the fact is they were changed.

I have use the name Jesus for years and years and never did the Holy Spirit depart. Jesus is the name I called on.
But Now I think Father is wanting us to learn His true names.

But I dont feel there is any condemnation to us in Christ if we haven't yet learn them . Father knows his own Children. He looks upon each heart.
I want to use His true name out of respect and love, now I understand they were changed.. And help others understand His names were changed.
But not to bring condemnation. (Law)

I felt he was referring to those deceived and truly outside of the true Christ,
those with a beast nature..
Without this foundation for understanding it might be confusing to you.

He believes the man of lawlessness has been revealed.
(In the temple.)
So do I.
We are the true temple are we not ?

Father dwells in us too in our spirit.

Some may feel this message is from a Raven and not the Dove.

But remember Eljiah was fed by the ravens.
God sent the raven to feed him!

Father told me three times in one day many years ago,(1980's)
He would send the "ravens" to feed me !!
He used three differant anointed christian.
All gave me the same word!
None aware of each others word!
He Has used Ravens many times since!!
Do you understand????

I am not judging this person as being a raven.
Just saying Father can speak to us through anyone
He choses to, man or donkey or however he choses to.
He may even choose to speak to you through someone
you dont even like!

We are to judge fruit, And recieve the wheat Father brings to us,in any manner He chooses to bring it to us.
Judgement of man, is Fathers judgement to make not mine.

This message was from Father to me bringing me personal conformation to my own study.
My spirit witnesses to "that" truth in it!
I was led to share it.
Take the wheat, leave the chaff.
What you do not understand put on Father shelf
Untill He confirm it to you and brings understanding.
The Holy Spirit can still winnow for us!
if you are not sure of the voice you are hearing,
fast and pray until God answers you.
He may answer by speaking into your heart,
or by confirming it from others,
or by dream,
or by vision-but by whatever way,
God will answer you. Be assured-He will answer you.

Hope this will clarify my view. I'm still learning too.


This prophecy is not like others you have heard, as it commands you not to be a patriot of the U.S.A.!
Mysteries will not be understood or accepted by those destined for the pit. His flock of sheep written in The Book of Life will understand.

I am speaking "Yahovah's Living Word" (Mark 4:14) as one of His witnesses and prophets to His "scattered sheep", as Yahshua's truth withdraws itself from the multitude in the world and becomes 'hidden' in its chamber. Yahovah thus sends me into His vineyard to boldly witness His Word being rapidly fulfilled under the "THIRD WORLD CURSE".

Why is this third curse now covering the earth? Because the world has rejected Yahovah and Yahshua and refused to obey His Living Word: they have accepted the fullness of evil from Yah's adversary!

Daniel Solomon


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